

泡q 264706-泡青椒

 泡芙q的豆列 ( 全部1) 泡芙q常去的小组(42) 全部) 下厨房 () 生活组 () 上班这件 下面来说醋泡黄豆的方法: 1、买适量的黄豆、醋(我用的是米醋,也就是白醋啦) 2、洗干净黄豆,把醋倒出半瓶。 3、把干净的黄豆放入醋瓶中,盖上盖子,一个月之后,就可以吃了。(注意黄豆不要放太多哦,一半左右吧,否则,第二天,豆子泡大后把瓶子挤满,到时候醋就不够啦。Quantum logic gates are represented by unitary matricesA gate which acts on qubits is represented by a unitary matrix, and the set of all such gates with the group operation of matrix multiplication is the symmetry group U(2 n)The quantum states that the gates act upon are unit vectors in complex dimensions, where the norm is the modulus squared The basis vectors Schlegel 铝合金用聚氨酯发泡q Lon密封条 山东角码厂家 泡青椒